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Road Transport Activities
in PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent LONDON TRANSPORT BILL REPORTED. J UST before Parliament rose for the summer recess the London Passenger Transport Bill......
Passenger Vehicles And Speed Limit.
TN the House of Commons Mr. _ILNaylor raised the question as to what steps were being taken by the Ministry to ensure that the time schedules of the passenger-transport......
Forth Road Bridge.
W ITH reference to the survey of the Forth Road Bridge, the Minister of Transport intimated that at the request of the local authorities concerned a grant was being made from......
Complaint Against Commissioners.
MEE following interchange took place in the House of Commons between Mr. F. Riley, Labour Member for Stockton-on-Tees, and Mr. Parkinson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry......
A Charge.
M R. RILEY asked if the Minister was aware that the witness referred to was practically charged with giving false evidence. "Mr. Parkinson said he did not think that the......
C-uifdford-godalming By-pass.
MHE new Guildford-Godalming by pass road is not to have experimental section P of surfacing, Mr. Morrison States, as they would have to be imposed on the concrete running......
Further Regulation And Control.
l‘TAIOR GLYN desired to know ..13 1 .1whether the Government intended to introduce legislation at an early date to give effect to the Royal Commission's recommendations in......