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Trans-pennine Tin Attracts Record Entry
Despite heavy rain at the start, at lelle Vue, Manchester, on Sunday, of the ourth annual Trans-Pennine run to Iarrogate, a record entry of 180 vintage ommercial vehicles set......
New Scottish Factory For Taskers
• Cravens Industries Sales Ltd, the Scottish division of Taskers Trailers Ltd, has moved to a new factory at Cumbemauld. Glasgow, occupying over 30,000 sq ft and equipped to......
Psychology Of Driving
• The EEC Commission in Brussels is proposing that new drivers in Common Market countries be limited to a speed of 70 km/hr (43 mph) until they have held a licence for one year.......
Clean Wheels
• Before going on the roadway after leaving gravel pits or rubbish tips in Hertfordshire, vehicles will be required to have their wheels cleaned. This is one of the new......