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L Neashire Lads
sp cial City Tramways centeiry sue of Tollgate highlights e formation that Lancashire 3S rovided three general an gers for South Africa's ape Town and Green Point am ay Co. This......
Unlikely Ally
I find it difficult to reconcile the Manpower Services Commission, working under a Government that can hardly be described as a bosom friend ofiree enterprise, with "teaching......
Worthy But...
The BRS calendar for next year will reproduce 12 paintings by children of members of the staff. They have been selected from 268 entries in a national competition staged by the......
Beating The Air
According to Mercedes-Benz, 35-40 per cent of the fuel bill of a lorry and trailer travelling at a constant 50mph on level ground is incurred purely in carving a passage through......
It Pays To Try
Some 700 "try harder ideas by Avis Truck Rental customers have yielded four award winners. They are: (1) Rental periods should provide for overnight loading, with delivery of......
)llgate Is Scathing About Le Eyland Atlantean And Aim Er
Fleetline rear-engined )uble-deckers of the early 3ve ties. - These buses were di astrous that the order (by e C pe Tramways Group) was du•ed to the 50 buses already pr duction......
Easy Come,
easy go A work-as-you-please plan within a fixed annual total of 1,920 hours has been mooted by the main French employers' confederation in response to a union demand for a......
Flower Of The Rtitb
The Road Transport Industry Training Board is not going to seem the same when Kenneth C. Turner, its one and only chairman, retires next month after 12 years. During that time......