11th December 1953, Page 49
11th December 1953
Page 49
Page 49, 11th December 1953
Decentralize L.t.e., Say A.m.c.
T HE desirability of decentralizing the London Transport Executive into a number of sub-areas, each with its own board on which local authorities could be represented, is one of......
U.k. Plant Finds Australian Oil
B RITISH oilfield vehicles and equipment have been successfully employed in locating an oil-bearing area at Learmouth in the dry, rocky slopes of Western Australia. Ncws of this......
New Oil Engine For Light Vans
A PROPRIETARY four-cylindered rt high-speed oil engine is now being developed for vans of 10-15-cwt. payload capacity. It has a capacity of about I+ Titres and operates on a......