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!mobile Loading Platform : R Ecently Developed By H. C. Pope
Ltd. is a mobile load-. 4 ing platform which has a capacity of 15 cwt. The primary platform size is 7 ft. wide by 3 ft. deep and there is a 9 in. leading edge. The secondary......
Brake Device For Bedford Tks Rt A Brake Hold-on Device For
Bedford TK lorries is now available from Vauxhall/Bedford dealers. This takes the form of a non-return valve inserted in the hydraulic line to the rear brakes. Controlled by a......
Portapack Oil Dispenser L Atest Addition To The Portapack...
oil dispensing 1-1 equipment is the Cradle Pump. This can be fitted directly on top of a 40or 45-gal. barrel and will dispense oil or fluid from th'e barrel—or from gearboxes......
L‘ T Anti-rattle Joints
VAILABLE now from Rubber Plastics Ltd. are Polyvon t i k ri . anti-rattle joints. These are designed to prevent sticking. oosening, vibration and wear in control systems. The......
Exhaust Brake Kit For Bedford Val A N Exhaust Brake Kit
(Part No. 7161346) has now been designed for the Bedford VAL passenger chassis. The kit consists of an operating valve which is attached to the floor panel to the rear of the......