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Jam, Pie And More Baked Beans
ALBERT BOOTH, Labour's spokesman on transport, rose to rhetorical heights when, over his still-warm body, the House of Commons voted to increase the maximum weight of lorries to......
Waste Feeds On Waste In Councils
TIME-AND-MOTION officers in local government who devise refuse-collections schedules are often taken for a ride, says Maurice Weaver, of The Daily Telegraph. He quotes Richard......
Hard, Cold Shoulder From Musical Driver
"I'LL NOT BE travelling by coach again in a hurry," said a Bedfordshire publican. Ironically, a coach driver's hurry is the reason. The man and his wife were among 10 passengers......
Cockleshell That Sailed The Atlantic
GILTSPUR is to put the 9ft 9in cockleshell of that name in the International Boat Show at Earl's Court. It is the craft that 39-yearold Tom (Moby) McClean sailed from St John's,......
When The Trams Ran In Glasgow
THOSE WHO DROOL over trams may think £1.20 well spent on issue No 37 of Scottish Transport (Scottish Tramway Museum Society, PO Box 78, Glasgow G3 6ER), It commemrates the 20th......
This Is A Real Track Record
JOLODA is one of the few companies that can truthfully boast an impressive track record. Others may have equally good or better records, but, despite claims to the contrary, not......