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Lighter Suspension •unit From Rubery Owen
AMERICAN COMPONENTS FOR RUNNING GEAR B Y arrangement with the RockwellStandard Corporation, of Detroit, Rubery. Owen and Co. Ltd. are to produce suspension units incorporating......
Factories Failing On Inspection?
CEVERE criticism of the state in which some vehicles were reaching the home market was voiced at Durham last Friday when more than 200 operators attended a meeting called by the......
Ministry To Yield On Artic Interchangeability
T ° permit new tractive units to operate with "old" semi-trailers. the Ministry of Transport is prepared to amend the proposed braking regulations (planned to become effective......
Inspection Plan For North West
A 16-POINT formula for the inspection of vehicles has been drawn up by the RHA, TRTA, and Motor Agents Association in North Lancashire (as forecast in COMMERCIAL MOTOR of......
Slight Fall In Output And Exports Total Production Of...
goods vehicles in the UK irt 1965 was 437,242, announces the Board of Trade. This compares with 446,255 in 1964. Exports were 152,254 (158,201 in 1964). P.s.v. production last......