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• LONDON AND THE SOUTH EAST M1 London: Reduced slip road widths at Junction 5 (A41). M1 London: Northbound inside lane closed between Junctions 5 and 6 (A41/405) for repairs to......
PERKINS ASSURANCE • Perkins Engines has launched an optional bespoke warranty scheme for its Eagle engines, known as Power Assurance Plus. The scheme offers parts and labour......
Drivers' Clubs
HARWICKHOOK RO-R0 DRIVERS • The latest edition of the magazine produced by the Harwich-Hook of Holland ROW - ) drivers' club is now out. The club was formed to encourage better......
POWER MUSIC • Audioline has launched two new multi-feature radio cassette stereos: the 2159.99 AID 510 and the £179.99 AID 520. The 520 is extractable; the 510 features a......
Road News
A69 CARLISLE • A major resurfacing scheme is under way on the A69 trunk road from Carlisle city boundary to the east of Rosehill House. Work is expected to last another three......