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Tgwu Conference Votes On Hours Cut
• The Transport & General Workers Union was asked to push for shorter working hours for LGV and PCV drivers at its biennial conference in Blackpool this week. Delegates were......
Trucks Blasted In Animal Attacks
• Animal rights extremists have petrol bombed seven abbatoir trucks in Oldham. Four of the reefers were owned by Taylor Brothers; the other three vehicles were operated by F......
New Muddle
• Draft regulations on truck speed limiters just released by the Department of Transport seem to suggest that 17-tonners up to four years old will have to be retrofitted along......
Eezee Closes Depots
• Eezee Euro, the company which took over the depots of collapsed clearing house Transworld, has closed three of them because they were not "economically viable". Middlesbrough,......