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Kjr Compressors
aw general purpose portable ectric air compressors have :en introduced by Volspray Ltd. )own as the PE 7 and PE 10, ey are intended for use on wide range of spraying......
Dwer Cleaners
o additions to the Warwick ge of high-pressure power aners have been announced the Warwick Pump and jineering Co Ltd. The chines are the Warwick )00 and the 1200E which are......
Flashing Lamp
A lamp known as the Guardian has been introduced by Tildawn Electronics Ltd to fill the need for a reasonably priced, highintensity, battery operated, hazard warning lamp that......
Engine Servicing
Kits of parts for routine servicing jobs, on all its naturally aspirated engines in the NH/NI-1K in-line diesel range, are now available from Cummins. The packs offer......