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Cummins' Easy Climber
• Cummins has launched a "thinking" version of its 14-litre diesel with ESP (Electronic Smart Power) which can automatically boost power and torque for hill climbing. ESP, which......
Marshall `bedfords' Roll Out
• The first Bedford-designed truck rolled off the line at Marshall SPV's assembly plant at Cambridge last week. Marshall SPV (Special Purpose Vehicles), part of the familyowned......
Training Trucks • Brs, Perkins And Erf Are Donatin
Training trucks • BRS, Perkins and ERF are donating vehicles and engines to RTITB Services which has contracted to provide training for 92 BRS apprentices. Building up •......
Servicebond Has Set Two-year Fee
• ServiceBond is a new scheme which enables operators of postAugust 91 Iveco Fords to buy two years maintenance for a single, inflation-proof fee. By capping labour rates,......