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Standard Insurance Scheme For
Remove r s:. Transport Rates Up A FTER a year's 'work, the insurance committee of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers has completed a new......
Court Ruling On Trade Plates T He Towing Of Ex-service...
for the Ministry of Transport, with the tractive units running under trade plates, was declared illegal by Market Harborough magistrates, last week. Mr. Ceorge 11. W. Carter,......
Haulage Of Farm Produce Limited
A CURIOUS condition which appears to prohibit the carriage of return loads, is being imposed by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority on the 11 licences of operators transporting......
Hastings Fares Protest Qpeakers At A Recent Protest Meet Ing
at Hollington, St. Leonards. referred to the 25-per-cent, dividend paid by Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., last year and in 1949. The meeting approved the......
1951 Drawingexhibition
n RAWINGS and examples of handi craft entered in the 1951 competition will be on exhibition at the Society . of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 148, Piccadilly, London, W.1,......
State Subsidy Advocated
A GOVERNMENT subsidy and a cut Min interest payments have been advocated by the London Trades Council in a statement to the Transport Tribunal. The council claims to represent......
Big Issue By Clifford
A PPLICATION has been made by Clifford Motor Components, Ltd., for permission to issue to the public 300,000 51 per cent. cumulative prefer ence shares of each, and 270,00......