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.t Gets Ready To Lose
)Wer Fleetline buses ONDON TRANSPORT is sposing of a number of its ahnler Fleetline rear-engined mble-deck buses. Several have already been )1d to South Yorkshire reakers, but......
Capital Travel Study
THE GREATER LONDO Council is to spend Elm on major study of travel patterr In London, says GLC plannin chief Shelagh Roberts. The survey will investigai the demands on public......
Royalist Miller
GOLDEN MILLER of Felthk• has launched a subsidia company known as Royal Mini Coaches. The first Royalist Coach also the first Plaxton Mi: Supreme to be built at Ph ton's......
Br To Speak
BRITISH RAILWAYS Bo; Chairman Sir Peter Parkei to be the speaker at the ann conference of the Confede tion of British Road Passen Transport (CPT) to be held the Royal Bath Hotel......
Coaches To Brussels
TRICENTROL Coaches have been successful in their application to provide a direct coach service from Cheltenham to Brussels. The services, which will be known as "Eastlander......
Leveland :once!
:LEVELAND TRANSIT has ad to cancel an announced rder for Ailsa Mark 2 doubleeck buses because the Nor. hem Counties bodies Ailsas ave roofs which are too high or local operating......