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• A633: Gas repairs on the Barnsley Road at Wrath, Rotherham, are causing long delays, particularly at peak times, while a temporary traffic light system is in operation.......
• A467: There is a contraflow on Forge Lane while improvement work is carried out on the A48 at the Tredegar Roundabout. • A5: Temporary lights at Glyn bends and short-term......
• in Edinburgh, width restrictions on the High Street between the North and South bridges will continue until the end of June. • M90: At the junction 10 Friarron Bridge,......
Northern Ireland
• M22: In County Antrim there will be southbound diversions during resurfacing work between Ba113,-groobey and Dunsilly.......
T Hieves Broke Into A Locked Yard And Removed A Heavy-duly
wheel clamp to steal a Mercedes-Benz 3025 eight-wheeler with Multilift equipment. The vehicle has a yellow cab and red chassis and was taken From Carrex House, Regent Street in......
A Navy Blue Toyota Pickup Has Been Stolen From The Minories
Land Rover Agent's 24 - hour manned security compound in Middlesbrough. It was taken on the night of 22/23 April. It is signwritten "Duni - louse Natural Stone" in red on each......