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Freight Flights By Road
A ROAD haulage link operated by F. V. Carroll and Son Ltd., of Hounslow, which is classified by British European Airways as a "flight", is helping to boost air freight exports......
Thieves May Vary Tactics
A WARNING on possible changes in the pattern of vehicle thefts has been given by Mr. J. T. Brown (Atlas Express Ltd., London), chairman of the Vehicle Security Committee. In the......
Annual Testing By 1970
H EAVIER goods vehicles should be undergoing their first tests at Government centres in 1968 and 1969, with annual testing in operation by 1970. This forecast was given by Mrs.......
Highway Robbery, Says Walker
IN two years of a Labour Government the annual rate of taxation on motor vehicles had increased by no less than a third, said Mr. Peter Walker. Tory transport spokesman, last......
Costs Survey Date
T HE Ministry of Transport hopes to publish early next year the first report of its research into the comparative costs of road and rail transport. Announcing this in the......
School Bus Reminder
PROVIDED the local education authority con cerned agreed, an operator who wished to carry fare-paying passengers other than pupils on a school bus could seek a licence from the......
More Accidents
L A ST year 78,448 goods vehicles were involved A '"" in accidents which resulted in personal injury, said Mr. John Morris, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport,......