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Q We Should Be Grateful For The Names
and addresses of manufacturers of notice plates for fixing in vehicle cabs and reading "No Unauthorized Passenger, etc. . . ." What are the legal implications of such warning......
I Have Heard Mat A Diesel Engine Maker Is Experimenting
with a tuned inlet manifold. Could you explain the meaning of "'tuned" in this instance? A Because of the opening and closing of the inlet valves the air in the inlet manifold......
A Tuned Manifold Is Normally One That Provides The Maximum
pressure at the inlet valves under full load over a limited speed/ load range corresponding to maximumtorque speed or the maximum-power speed whichever is considered the most......
A While Mobile Cranes Are Exempted At
present from the plating regulations it is doubtful whether your vehicle is a "mobile crane" within the meaning of the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1962. Schedule 3 of this states "a......
A From The Information Contained In The
Standard Lists it appears that the 6-ton Scammell will be plated for a gross train weight of 9.5 tons. This weight does not change significantly for any 6-ton Scammell models......
0 . Could You Please Provide Me With
information regarding institutions providing sandwich courses for Transport Studies at university level and the qualifications which may be obtained? A Unfortunately, sandwich......