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-complete State Ownership
D OAD transport in India will be corn pletely nationalized within the next five or six years, the Indian Minister for Communications, Mr. Jagjivan Ram, has stated. " His......
Authority Upholds Objection
T HE Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority last week upheld an objection by Highland Omnibuses, Ltd., against the application of a local Operator to extend his Tomich to Beanly......
Safety Propaganda Material Ready
A SPLENDID series of posters and other publicity material has been prepared by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.!, for......
New Oldham Batteries
/ - 3 , A NEW range of batteries has been marketed by Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester. The products are identified by red seals. Fibrak separators are incorporated, and......
June Registrations Down
D URINb June, registrations of vehicles, other than of cars and motorcycles, totalled 12,215, or 304 fewer than for May. Hackneys, however, showed an increase of 70 and exempt......
,drivers Told To Disregard Law " A Llegations That...
not to observe statuton working hours and speed limits wen made by Mr. H.' Bowesfield, of, Norti Ormesby, a' former employee of Ulf R . oad Haulage Executive, when hi......
Northern General Extend Continental Tours
S AYING that it was not unreasonabl for the Northern General Transpoi Co., Ltd., to seek to move with th times, the Northern Licensing Authorit last week granted them permission......
Mr. Tegerdine At M.n.t.
T HE chairman of the Bus Worker Anti-Nationalization Society, M Alec Tegerdine, and other members mi the Parliamentary Secretary to th Ministry of Transport, Mr. J. Gurne......