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Tungsten Carbide Powder A Self-bonding Tungsten Carbide...
r". 439, that can be flame-sprayed to produce very hard coatrigs on almost any metallic surface is now available from Wetco Ltd. Dense wearand heat-resisting coatings are......
'ersatile Lubricant New Organo-metallic Product Called...
been developed by K. S. Paul Products Ltd. to ovidc anti-seize protection and lubrication and lubrication , er a wide range of temperatures. It is claimed to represent complete......
Solving Cooling System Problems L Atest Product From...
which is claimed to provide a six-way cure and prevention for irritating cooling system troubles such as radiator leaks, cylinder block seepage, water pump hqueak and......
Acrylic Repair Enamel A New Film, " The Acrylic Vehicle ",
describing successful research and field tests of Britain's first air drying acrylic repair enamel has been made by Lewis Berger. This colour film runs for 22 minutes and sets......
Small Grit Blaster Pi A Small Grit Blaster Designed For...
road tankers has been produced by Hodge Clemo Ltd. The grit blaster, called the "Mighty Mite ", is capable of being taken inside the tank. It weighs 82 lb.. is powered by a......