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The 25th International Commercial Motor Transport...
Hours of opening are from 10 am. to 9 p.m. daily, except Sunday September 20. Admission charges are 6s each day before 5 p.m.; 4s after 5 p.m. Over 400 exhibitors will be......
Removable Bulk Body Of Marine Ply
• Made of marine plywood, a removable bulk body equipped with a conveyorbelt-discharge system has been produced by B. W. Winter and Sons, Watlington, King's Lynn, Norfolk, that......
• Lorry Drivers Are To Be Paid A Minimum Of
lb lOs a week from mid-October; this represents an increase of over 40 per cent on present statutory wages and conforms with the TUC-approved rate as well as equalling the......
Delivery Allocation By `computamap'
• New methods of allocating delivery areas and assessing alternative locations of new depots and works have streamlined the Blue Circle cement manufacturing group's distributive......