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Eec Green Paper Is Still In The Pipeline
THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S Green Paper on transport infrastructure is still a long time away from being transformed into any concrete projects. This became clear last week when......
Share Harvesting
INTERNATIONAL Harvester is likely to purchase a further 4.5 per cent share in DAF during the coming year, according to IH senior vice president of marketing Robert J. Ratcliff.......
• Eec Idea Is Woolly
THE EUROPEAN Commission's proposals for an EEC transport infrastructure fund have been written off as "woolly and wasteful" by the Freight Transport Associadon. In a written......
466-series In Europe?
THE PROPOSED agreement between International Harvest' and ENASA (Pegaso) in Spain could mean the Internation 466-Series engines could be produced in Europe. If the agreement is......
Codes Of Practice
THE HEALTH and Safety Executive is preparing codes practice which will, among other things, give detailed guidan , on the best means for carrying dangerous substances, and ti......