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R.h.a. Sent 70,000 Letters On Permits
A CC ORDING to a preliminary Pl.survey, 70,403 circulars were issued from the Road Haulage Association's area offices in the drive to ensure that as many hauliers as possible......
N.r.t.f. Decentralizes In Leeds
U NDER a decentralization of responsibility at the Leeds offices of the National Road Transport Federation, following Mr. G. H. Brook's resignation from the area secretaryship......
Joint Purchase Proposed
SS UBJECT to the granting of the licences, Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., and Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., propose jointly to acquire the business run under the......
Concessions For Grass Cutters
N EW relaxations in the use of special vehicles on the road are contained in the Motor Vehicles (Authorization of Special Types) (Amendment) Order. 1949, which came into......
In A Line Or Two
The title . of S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., has been changed to Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd. Verdik, Ltd., has moved its London office to Lane End, High Wycombe, Bucks. The last of......
Exports Up Despite Dock Strike
D ESP1TE the recent dock strike, which reduced shipments of commercial vehicles in June to fewer than 6,400, 11,300 more vehicles were exported in the first half of this year......
Buses Create Traffic: Trams Not Wanted
T HE case for the proposal to make permanent the substitution of buses for 'trams on the Sheffield-Rotherham route, a change made temporarily during, the reconstruction of......
Making Hay While The Sun Shines
D OTHER /IA M Town Council has ‘rejected an application by employees of the passenger transport department to join the superannuation scheme for Rotherham municipal servants.......
Divisional Status Granted
T HE South African Centre of the Institute of Transport has been granted recognition as the Institute of Transport, Southern Africa Division. The existing sub-centres have......