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Police Appeal
AVENTRY police want to ear from anyone with formation about a theft at atford Gap on August 2. Around 2,000 women's garments were stolen from an unmarked Ford boxvan belong to......
Est) Preview.
HE Mercedes-Benz 1619S, fficially announced in last eek's issue, has already been test with CM over the cottish route. Over the motorway sec. ions, a fuel consumption of 5.3......
Grampian Bans Street Parking
GRAMPIAN Regional Council declared war on hauliers last week when it lodged four objections to 0 licence applications and announced a total ban on street parking for commercial......
'west •
narket on Sunday night failed o materialise. It was thought hat an attempt would be nade to block the newly-intailed turnstiles at the market hrough which vehicles must ass.......
Change The Rules Say Fta
SUGGESTED changes in the regulations that enable local authorities to make traffic orders have been sent to the Department of Transport by the Freight Transport Association. The......