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Haulage Industry Welcomes New M6 Toll Prices
Britain's haulage industry has warmly welcomed Midland Expressway Limited's decision to relax charges for a trial period on the M6 Toll for HGVs until the end of 2004. Its......
Brings Major Benefits Midland Expressway Ltd managing director Tom Fanning says the M6 Toll is creating benefits for both the West Midlands and the national economy. "The M6......
What The Trade Says
TNT Express Services, one of the UK's biggest logistics specialists, has been converted to the M6 Toll following the trial charges. Operations director Nigel Barton says the......
Tag's The Way To Do It
The M6 Toll's electronic tag payment system is the easiest and most convenient way for hauliers to use the motorway. A tag attached to a vehicle's windscreen allows the driver......