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Four Adjournments Over Renewals "a Scandal," B.t.c. Say
A N application by a Li.verpool haulier, which had been adjourned four times and had lasted nearly a year, was described as " a scandal " by Mr. A. W. Balne, for the British......
New Haulage Group Maintains Secrecy
ri A NEW haulage group has been formed, but The Commercial Motor was informed on Tuesday that it wished for the time being to remain anonymous. Its title is Combined Delivery......
P.m.t.•take Over Baxter
T HE Potteries Motor Traction Co.. Ltd.. have acquired the busiqess of Baxter (Hanley), Ltd., who own 14 buses and coaches. They operate on the " main route" through the......
8 M.p.g. On Cane Collection
C OVERING almost 23.000 miles a month, 10 Albion Reiver three-axled 10-tonners working on a 5,300-acre sugar plantation on the northern part of the coast of Natal, South Africa.......
French Production Plan
U NIC and Willeme, two of the leading French commercial-vehicle manufacturers, have reached an agreement to co-ordinate production to provide between them a complete range of......