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Portable Pressure Washer
All components in a portable power washer introduced by W. C. Youngman are enclosed in a steel protective casing above a welded-steel solution tank. The unit has two......
Detachable Tail-lift
A version of its 10cwt vehicle tail-lift that can be detached from the vehicle has been developed by E. J. Ratcliff (Mechanical Engineers) in conjunction with Alltransport Ltd.......
Tyre Depth Gauge
The Capstan Major tyretread-depth gauge which was designed originally for a Government department is now being marketed generally. Features of the gauge are a 2in. dial......
Water Dilutable Stripper
Heavily stoved layers of acrylic and other tough modern finishes can be stripped by using relatively low concentrations of the new Jenolite 8000 Organic Coating Stripper. It is......
Metric Editions
Two of the most popular publications from Alcan Industries have now been published as metric editions. These are "Properties of Alcan Aluminium Alloys" and - Tables of Weights......
A snap-on adapter is now available for the Lightning foot-operated valve-spring cdmpressor that allows it to cope with recessed valve springs such as those found on Volkswagen......