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Wtd 'crippling' Iv Ps Told
A DELEGATION of operators met with MN in London this week to demonstrate that the Working Time Directive (WTD) is unworkable and will cripple the UK's transport industry. The......
Nightowl Truckstop Finds Buyer
A CUMBRIAN haulage firm has injected new life into Penrith truck services by buying the site from beleaguered operator Nightowl and vowing to continue offering parking to......
Tc's Open Hous
Western TC Philip Browr hold an open day for hat at the Jury's Hotel in BriS on 17 February. Operate will have the opportunity meet the TC and his staf put to them any questior......
No Connection
CM would like to point ot that the vehicle registratii depicted in the picture tax disc accompanying story 'Licence deceit ca operator £1,350 (p32, C 5 February) is in no way......
Freight Success
Eurotunnel says that truc volumes increased 4% during 2003, despite po a net loss of E1.33bn, It i planning a new rail-freigi operation from early 20C......
Sad Farewell
David J13 Brown, the ma behind the highly succe Multidrive company anc saviour of the former Bedford Trucks operatio has died in an accident.......
Clever Trucker
The makers of the Natio IQ Test are looking for tn drivers from all over the over British Isles for BBC Test the Nation program to be screened in Marc Contact: 020 7421 783 ,......