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:urotruck Mom Erf Reads British Xhibits At Irussels Show
3ritish star of the Brussels Show {January 281 will undoubtedly be ER F's latest sion of its European 38-ton-gcw truck. 3 examples Will be shown, a 3.10-metre ft 2in.) wheelbase......
Ew Las For [et And Estern Areas
/Jai Gen Sir John Potter has been bted by the Secretary of State for the ronment, chairman of the Traffic imissioners and Licensing Authority :he Western traffic area in......
Noise Onus Is On Industry Says Peyton
• "The transport system should not be an intolerable nuisance, with noisy lorries shaking our buildings to bits. The role of Government should be to impress upon the vehicle......
Shock Warning For Site Drivers
• A warning to lorry drivers working on power sites of the dangers of electrocution has been issued by the North Eastern Electricity Board. Two tipper drivers have 'lately died......