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When The Chips Are Down
D ome people are just rotten losers, aren't they? A lorry driver thrown out of a Blackpool casino returned with his at-tic and set about demolishing the carpark. He shunted and......
D S A Company, Unipart Believes In Hot Air, To The
I extent that it has added a new event to the balloon spectaculars it sponsors. Later this month, on 21-29 January, a team from the parts specialist joins the fun in Switzerland......
Hropshire Reader Derek Heath Tells The Hawk That His Son
Richard has passed his CPC for Freight Transport at the age of 13, aided and abetted by his proud dad, also a CPC holder, and Shrewsbury Transport Training. CMhad a part to......
Let Someone Else Take The Train
D urotunnel boss Sir Alistair Morton knows a bargain when he sees one. Even though he earns £309,000 a year—more than the Hawk earns in a month—he has forked out a tenner to......
Seeing Red Over Santa
ne of the Hawk's readers disturbed Santa attempting to deliver presents on Christmas Eve in a most untraditional fashion. This picture is the evidence to prove it. Gone was the......