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What The Associations Are Doing
ASSOCIATION CALENDAR. • A. R.°. • June /5.—Annual Luncheon, Grosvenor House, Leaden, W,1; 12.45 p.m. June 15.--Cast' , Hord Sub-area Meeting, Keel Clisstleford; 7.30 a.m. June......
Many /important Guests At A.r.o. Luncheon.
In addition to the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Inskip, C.B.E., K.C., and Capt. A. U. M. Hudson, M.P., who will be the principal speakers at the A.R.O. luncheon to be held on Monday......
Private Car "pirating" Alleged
D URAL operators in North Wales IN.may be compelled to suspend certain services if the " pirating " of their passengers by private-car drivers is not stopped, said Mr. J. E.......
Unity And Rates Stabilization
AT was probably the largest assembly of hauliers ever held in the Selby district gathered at a combined recruiting and business meeting organized, last week, under the auspices......