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28 Speeds And Never A Refusal
THE CM May 8 issue featuring recovery makes interesting reading. With all that pushbutton expensive hardware the mind boggles and the finance houses cheer. But whatever happened......
More Power For Magirus
I WOULD LIKE to draw your attention and that of your readers to an error in the content of an advertisement appearing in Commercial Motor and other automotive journals. In the......
Waxing Warrants More Attention
ALTHOUGH not privileged to attend the RHA Tipcon '82, I have endeavoured through the channels of the technical press to follow all the reports. Having experienced many early......
Too Negative Mr Editor
AS ORGANISER of this and every previous Tipcon, I was most disappointed to note the negative comments which you have chosen to make in your Editorial of May 22. The principle on......
Slimming? Not Our Pr
THE MEWINGS — I think that the current description of a hawk's vocal expression — of your resident bird of prey ha‘ enlivened many a Monday morning here in "darkest Fulham". I......