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More London Clearways
A BOUT 40 more miles of peak-hour rA clearways, more one-way streets, and a determined attack on parking problems were among latest proposals for London traffic, announced by......
Traffic Bill Attacked
T HE national council of the Trade'rs' Road Transport Association have issued a statement saying that a considered study of the new Road Traffic Bill strengthened rather than......
No Action Yet On Jack Report
From our Political Correspondent M EMBERS of Parliament are now accepting the fact that no Government action to implement the recommendations of the Jack Report is likely before......
Bus Operators Launch "freedom Campaign"
" B RITAIN'S BUSES," an organization sponsored by the three main groups of bus companies in Britain—the British Electric Traction Group, the Tilling Group and the Scottish......
Britain's A Mbassadors
B RITAIN'S best ambassadors of trade are her lorry drivers, said Mr. John H. Bustard. director and general manager of the Atlantic Steam Navigation Co., addressing 200......