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Rint Van Stretch
,RKE and Sherwell Ltd, gravure printers, has bought an mai 6x2 24-tonner from Grose, the Bedford main dealer for :hampton. lilt to the maximum overmgth of Ilm (36ft lin) the cle......
Award For New Tipper
E. M. WILCOX Ltd of Peterborough has won a Design Council Award for the outstanding design of its fold-in-side tipper body. The awards are made annually to encourage the highest......
And Rover Rival
N Metherwell, a garage owner of St. Dennis, Cornwall, has red into competition with British Leyland by producing the Imaster — a direct rival to the Land Rover. rawing on years......
Glass Fibre Tank
BP OIL took delivery of a road tanker with a glass fibre body which will be used for the delivery of petrol to garages. The grp tank, mounted on a rigid chassis, will carry a......