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New Light Weight Trailer Range
• A new 16-ton-g.c.w. lightweight semitrailer has been added to the Crane Fruehauf/ B aden group range of platform types. Designated PB16/CD1. the Super Lightweight is available......
Mr. Law Welcomes Police Inquiry. . .
• A police inquiry is under way into the acti vities of Mr. Alan Law. the Transport and General Workers Union official, who has been accused by an MP of "industrial sabotage and......
. . . With No Sympathy For Another Closure
• Another Midlands haulier, facing demands from the Transport and General Workers Union to pay its "Birmingham differential" of 34s 6d a week, has decided to cease trading. The......
Next Week: Another Big Issue
Shows, exhibitions and conferences will feature strongly in the September 19 issue of CM. This enlarged number of the journal will contain:— *CM's Fleet Management Conference......