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Q I Am The Transport Manager Of A
company operating 15 dieselengined 10/15cwt vans. Their average yearly mileage is about 20,000; the vans are maintained in the company's workshops by a competent fitter and are......
A I Was Very Interested In The Proposals
to scrap road service licensing for all services except stage and scheduled express bus services described in CM last week, and presume that the carriage of fare-paying......
N 1 Recall An Article In Commercial Motor
some time in 1964 an the Perkins differential diesel engine, the DOE. The system was not developed commercially and I have been wondering whether the principle has been applied......
Q Am A Transport Operator Who Is
interested in veteran cars and the history of the automobile. Obviously, the pneumatic tyre has played an all-important part in the development of the automobile and I have been......
Q 1 Recently Noticed A Recovery Vehicle
running on trade plates and displaying "1" plates. Obviously, it is necessary in hold an hgv licence while driving one of these vehicles, but I would like to know whether while......