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Eec Tonnages Down
PRELIMINARY indications from the EEC Commission show that tonnages carried by road in the Common Market continued to decline in the first quarter of this year but there are......
F12 Rockets
THE F12 is now Volvo's bigg selling vehicle in the I. displacing the F7. Anders Levin, Volvo's tr sales and service general m ager, said that sales of the 1 (including the self......
Iveco Link Ok'd
THE EEC Commission has authorised the major manufacturing and sales deal between lveco, the second largest lorrybuilder in the community, and the American auto-component......
Yomping Orde
LEYLAND TRUCKS is to su 52 heavy-duty lorries to a Br construction consortium for on the Mount Pleasant air site in the Falkland Islands. One Scammell 524 100-tc heavy haulage......