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Local Weighing For Ferry Bucks?
• Public weighbridges close to ports should be used to help crack down on the number of overweight trucks using RORO ferries, says the British Ports Association. This is just......
Eyland Daf Top
• Commercial vehicle sales continue to climb — despite a 7% drop in registrations last month — according to the latest figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and......
• The Problem Of Merging Two Dealer Networks Does Not
appear to be affecting Leyland Daf s truck sales, (see News Extra) but it could be the beginning of next year before the complete Leyland Daf dealer network is finally sorted......
Acas Is Called In At London Buses Dispute
• The arbitration service ACAS has been called-in to look for a solution to the industrial dispute at London Buses which this week led to a 24-hour strike by 14,700 workers. The......
• Nfc Parcels Company Lynx Express Delivery Network Is...
legal action against Lynx Contracts (UK) for using the Lynx name. Lynx Contracts is a newlyformed company which will supply and finance commercial vehicles and plant. Theo de......