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South Wales Pallet Network South Wales Pallet Network Has...
road brake test every three months, not including the MoT. It has also been ordered to have a nil defect daily driver reporting system, have its tachographs, maintenance......
Bibby Distribution
BIBBY DISTRIBUTION has been granted permission to base 11 vehicles and 20 trailers at the N R Evans & Son depot in Llanelli......
Ceva Logistics
hiCEVA LOGISTICS has been given the green light to operate 10 vehicles and 10 trailers out of a site at the Reevesland Industrial Estate in Newport.......
Gregory Distribution
GREGORY DISTRIBUTION wants to base three vehicles and four trailers at a new operating centre in Widnes, Cheshire. It has also applied for permission to run one vehicle and one......
Garner Commercials
GARNER COMMERCIALS wants to operate two vehicles from a site at the Richmond Hill Industrial Estate in Wigan.......
Turners (soham)
TURNERS (SOHAM) has received permission to base eight vehicles and nine trailers at a new operating centre on the Brynmenyn Industrial Estate in Bridgend. It has also been given......
Wm Morrison Supermarkets
WM MORRISON Supermarkets is looking to run two vehicles at a site at The Old Showground in Kendal. It also wants to base two vehicles at Eccles Place in Manchester.......
Enterprise Utility Services
21 ENTERPRISE UTILITY Services has been given the green light to base seven vehicles at a new operating centre at Bouthwood Road, Barrow-In-Furness.......
Percliff Plant & Haulage
PERCLII,I, PLANT & Haulage wants to operate 15 vehicles and six trailers from a site in Percliff Way, Blackburn.......
Welsh And North Western Traffic Areas
Warrington • API on 14 December will look into disciplinary action against Park View Landscape Maintenance. • Disciplinary action against Multi Cullite Aggregates will be......