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)iasted By La
mality. Pugh said that having to obtain a new licence "concentrated an operator's mind". Arman also hinted that, although public inquiry procedure was a matter for each LA,......
Tough Talk On Tachos
• A new organisation for tachograph analysts plans to reverse the "damage caused to the industry by untrained, unqualified and unprofessional analysts". Founding members of the......
Chunnel Ready For Freight
• The Channel Tunnel will be three months late in opening, but hauliers can expect a full freight service from day one, according to Eurotunnel. The freight shuttle trains and......
Tnt Strikers Win Big Cash Payout
• Thirteen former TNT employees who were sacked for going on strike have won more than £80,000 compensation at an industrial tribunal. The 11 drivers and two warehousemen had......
British Steel: No Retreat
• The Department of Transport says it will consider a cash grant to British Steel Teesside if it reverses its decision to switch 9,000 tonnes of limestone a week from rail to......