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Revision Of Schedules Urged By Union •
T HE imperative need for more care, by the Ministry of Transport, in connection with time schedules for bus services, was stressed by Mr. Harold Clay, national secretary of the......
Increase In Bus Travel In Eire
D ESPITE the fact that the number of vehicle-miles run by buses in Eire, 'last November, at 2,255,000, shows a decrease of 45,000 on the total for November, 1937, the number of......
Co-ordinated Services In Stockport.
QERVICES of Stockport Corporation o..J are to be co - ordinated with certain services of the North-Western Road Car Co., Ltd. The town council has approved, in principle, an......
Revival Of Leicester Conflict?
-rwo new services, contemplated by Leicester Corporation, for which the consent of the East Midlands Traffic Commissioners has been sought, are expected to revive the rivalry......