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Rail Route To France Bypasses London
• by Guy Sheppard A company planning a HO-RD rail service for trucks between Liverpool and northern France has unveiled a new route which avoids going through London. Central......
Truck Speeds Past Vi Official
• A firm was fined £430 on seven charges of failing to maintain a speed limiter last week after a truck overtook a Vehicle Inspectorate official on the motorway at up to 80mph.......
Safeway Fleet Expects 16001k Clean Fuel Grant
• Supermarket giant Safeway is expected to win a grant of more than 1600,000 later this month to expand its fleet of "clean-fuel" vehicles. The grant will come from Powershift,......
Tobacco-laden Carpets Earn Two-year Prison Term
• A driver has begun a twoyear jail sentence after being caught smuggling more than a tonne of hand-rolling tobacco. Philip Smiley, who worked for Channel Care Logistics in......