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Removers Confer In Jersey
NAFWR president for 1966/7, Mr. George Skelton, director and general manager, Pickfords Ltd., London. N EW ground was broken this week when the National Association of Furniture......
Tenth Iru Congress
T HE full programme for the tenth congress of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) has now been published by the TRTA, who are providing the administration and......
Tax Payable On Separated Fleet?
R EFERRING to the new selective employment tax at the annual general meeting of the Traders' Road Transport Association, West Midland Division, on Monday, Mr. H. R.......
Nur-second Thoughts
A STRONG indication that the National Union of Railwaymen's national committee might reconsider its decision about freight liner trains was given by Mr. John Matheson, Scottish......