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• Tankclean Giles David Giles Is The New Director Of
Tankclean, the l'ankfreight subsidiary. He was formerly general manager of the division and replaces David Richardson who has left the company. Giles joined in 1986.......
• Ackers Jarrett Group Hudson Ackers Jarrett Group Has...
Bryn Hudson as a contracts executive with its commercial vehicle contract hire division.......
• Heronfreight Adams Ron Adams Has Become Operations...
Heronfreight after nine years with Transport Development Group. Heronfreight specialises in storage, distribution and contract hire.......
• Sherwood Leyland Daf Hemp/renshaw/ Godber Sherwood...
appointed three directors: Paul Hemp becomes operations director at the company's Blackwell headquarters; Neil Renshaw is the new sales director for vehicles over 3.5 tonnes;......
• Tnt Skypak Fuller/lipscombe/ Windslade/...
the new financial controller of TNT Skypak Courier. Roger Lipscombe becomes UK general manager and Ed Wins lade becomes national sales manager. Graham Moody is appointed TNT......
• Lrt Thomas Roy Thomas, A Finance Director With Fisons,
has been appointed to the board of London Regional Transport as a non-executive member.......
• Banks Hanks Agricultural Supplier Banks Of Sandy Had...
Nick Hanks as traffic manager at its Sandy transport office. He joined the Bedfordshire company in 1984.......
• Nccs Haynes Ken Haynes, Who Joined Nccs Four Years
ago as a driver, has been promoted to contract manager in charge of a E.500,000 distribution contract with Manders Paints.......
• Pim Netherclift Richard Netherclift Has Been Appointed...
board of PHH Europe as managing director, Continental Europe and Ireland.......
• Irte Gunner Tony Gunner, Honorary Secretary Of The...
of Road Transport Engineers, has taken over as acting national secretary. This is until a successor is appointed to replace David Ivison.......
• Heron Marx/levvis-badgett/ Morris/fell/court Heron...
board members: Michael Marx (deputy chairman); Keith LewisBadgett (managing director Heron service stations); Richard Morris (managing director Heronfreight); Alan Fell......