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Three Makers Raise Tyre Prices 10%
A N increase of 10 per cent, in the prices of all tyres was made by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., last week. It was because of risin g production costs and the hi g her price of......
Men In The News
MR. THOMAS STEWART has been appointed mana g er of the Scotland, Northumberland, Durham and North Ridin g area of E. R. Howard, Ltd. MR C. G. H. RICHARDSON, mana g in g director......
First Action Under R.t.p. Act
WHAT was stated to be the first VI action under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1956, came before Mr. Justice Upjohn in the Chancery. Division last Friday. The Austin Motor......
Pilferage Charges Against Railways Collapse
A FTER evidence had been g iven to the South Wales Deputy Licensin g Authority at a previous hearin g (The Commercial Motor, November 2) that there had been delays and pilfera......