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Meld-driver Fined £150
• Oswestry Magistrates have ordered Shropshire ownerdriver Robert lark Jones, trading as Mark mes Transport, to pay fines nd costs totalling £750 for a eries of offences that......
P&a And Driver Fined
• Drivers' hours offences by P&A Haulage and one of its drivers, have resulted in fines and costs totalling £1,725 from the Oswestry Magistrates. Peter Jones, of Idea Pdwfadog,......
Lambert Must Wait • A Bid For A New Psv
Operator's Licence by Rotherham operator Kevin Lambert, whose previous licence was revoked, has been adjourned by North Eastern Traffic Commissioner Frederick Whalley. Lambert,......
Forgotten Licence Renewal Warning
• A company which forgot to renew its Operator's Licence and which was mbsequently prosecuted for Inauthorised use, has been ;ranted a new licence, followng a Leeds public......