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Let's Call Off Christmas!
The government appears to have gained some public support against the hauliers with its reduction in road tax and 3p/lit on fuel tax. However, from the way this has been......
Licensed Not To Drive!
Havingjust read the driver recruitment article (CM16-22 Nov) I felt I had to write to you about how misleading it was. There might be loads of jobs for HGV drivers, but the key......
Experience Spiral
Having read your article in CommorcialMotor on recruitment (CM16-22 Nov) I thought I would let you know of my experience as a novice in the haulage business. In November last......
Circular Trap
Having just read your article "in short supply" ( CM 16-22 Nov) I felt compelled to write in reply. I am 51 years old, and have been driving for a living since the age of 17.......