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Mulley To Discuss Grant Admin Improvements
Mr Fred Mulley, the Transport Minister, has arranged to discuss the scope for improvements in the administration of the transport supplementary grant. Stating this in the......
Ama Worried Over Public Transport Financing Policies
- L IS unrealistic to expect all xiblic transport authorities to ?liminate their deficit by . evenue alone during two rears, the Planning and rransportation Committee of he......
Glc Sets Lt 84pc Target
IN AN attempt to get better value for money from its financial support the Greater London Council has set London Transport an 84.4 per cent operating target for its buses. An LT......
Nv Mileage Down
ALTHOUGH passenger travel in 1973 increased by a further four per cent, public service vehicle mileage fell during the year. This is revealed by the DoE's report Passenger......
60 More Lns For Jamaica
SIXTY Leyland National single-deckers have been ordered by Jamaican Omnibus Services Ltd in addition to similar vehicles ordered last year. Worth 1.25m, the new order calls for......
Package For Bus Tokens
THE Koin-Klip Packaging Co of Bootle have introduced a system of packing bus tokens. They are packed in card clips of five which are sold to the public through outlets such as......