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Maintenance Problems
Neston Super Mare-based ITS Truck Tyre Specialists was given a warning about the company's future maintenance standards at a Bristol disciplinary inquiry. It gave Western IC......
Licence Lost
Using vehicles with speed limiters either disconnected or Interfered with has led to the revocation of the 20-vehicle licence held by J Hughes transport of Liverpool. North......
Fleet Ovt Maintenance Problems Have Mesufted In The...
by Rordons Removals (Brownhilts) tieing cut from eight to six mhicles. West Midland TO David Dixon also wants to see financial evidence within four weeks.......
Final Warning
i'cottish OTC Richard McFarlane has given Whitburndased Stevie Broons a final yarning. The company appeared before him because A maintenance problems and d failure to report a......
Become Me
ailing to produce tachograph 'lairds cost Mold haulier Edwina Wilson 248S In fines Ind costs. Wilson was fined E4011 with 185 costs after she admitted the offences before he......
Five Offences In Four Years Lead Tc To Trim 0-licence
Five offences in four years have led to the licence held by Blandford, Dorset-based Taymix Transport being curtailed from 40 vehicles to 25 for one month, Managing director......
Another Chance For Welsh Firm
A South Wales operator has won a six-month stay of execu tion following its third appearance at a public inquiry since 1996. Gwilym Evans, trading as Upper Boat Skip Hire, of......