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'suspicious' Fire At Tk Transport Destroys Two Tractor Units
TWO TRUCKS WERE destroyed at Hancisworth, Birmingham-based TK Transport in a fire last Saturday morning (9 June). West Midlands Fire Service was called out just before 3am to TK......
Minimum Holiday To Rise In Odober And In 2009
OPERATORS WILL BE required to give staff a minimum of 24 days holiday from October, rising to 28 days in April 2009. The government has published new regulations to increase the......
Castleford Link
A 26.5m, 3.4km road link is to be built to aid the regeneration of former coalfield areas in Castieford and Nornnanton in West Yorkshire. The single-lane Coalfield Link road......
Profits Fall
Turnover at Kent-based Lenham Storage rose to 216.2m in the financial year to 31 August 2006, up from 214.7m in 2005. But pre - tax profs fell from £987,000 to 2219,000.......
Profits Rise
The turnover of 3PL provider Seafield Logistics fell from 222.4m to 221.5m in the financial year to 30 June 2006. Pre-tax profits rose from 210,200 to 231,400.......
M275 Bridges
Two bridges are to be built over on the M275 motorway serving Portsmouth, replacing two ageing bridges at the I - loner Interchange. The work is scheduled for completion in......
Pru Contract
Business Post Group subsidiary UK Mail has won a postal contract with Prudential Distribution.......
Rail Deal
Building materials supplier Cemex UK has awarded a six-year rail-freight contract to EWS for the transport of aggregates and coal.......