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Unions Claim 10s. Increase For Haulage Men: Case Adjourned
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A FTER an eight-hour meeting, the Road Haulage. Wages Council last week adjourned until April 9 consideration of a claim by the unions for an increase......
Ministry To Survey Road Transport
A SURVEY into the use being made of commercial vehicles in this country is to be undertaken by the MiniStry of Transport from April 21-28. To get a complete cross-section of......
15% Back-loads Need No User Extension
T HE carriage of back-loads of general goods amounting to 15 per cent. of total traffic need not be shown on normal user, the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R.......
Mr. Randolph Puzzled By Tribunal's Rultng
A NY haulier seeking collection and delivery vehicles has to answer four questions in his evidence, according to the Transport Tribunal. This was pointed ' out last week by Mr.......