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Edi N Burg H 's S On Top
US PASSENGERS in Edinburgh get the best deal from their munipal bus service, according to Transport 2000, the public transport ressure group. In a comparison of bus serces......
Br, It To
harmonise? 'HE DEMANDS which have to le met by British Rail and LonIon Transport are different, but here is still a need for harmony n service planning, non-duplicaion of......
Busmen Win
FOUR DUNFERMLINE coach drivers who were made redundant when Rennie of Dunfermline Ltd decided to sell seven coaches have won their appeal against unfair dismissal before an......
takeover , THE 74-strong fleet of Whyte Airport Services has been i takf over by West London ;coat operator Garners Coaches. Whytes run airport transf services at London's......